How to get insurance for a relative who lives in Russia without any violations?

There are two main sides in the procedure of foreign insurance. They include policyholder and insured.

Insured is an individual who has his health and life insured.

Policyholder is an individual or legal entity who provides you with the insurance agreement and also signs it. Insurance agent acts on behalf of insured.

In other words if insured is not on the territory of Czech Republic and has no opportunity to buy medical insurance, his relative or friend can proceed with insurance agreement on behalf of insured. In case you are visiting Czech Republic by means of invitation from your business partners or students of language courses, policyholder must be a representative of Czech company.

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Feedback from our customers
Daria Uriadova

I needed to get a comprehensive insurance with 60.000 EUR coverage for my student visa in the Czech Republic and I bought it online on with no problem.

I chose Uniqa as it's a big and reliable international company. They sent me all the required papers for the Embassy and I got a plastic card at the office in Prague at Mustek. Thanks, will come again.

Ann Androshchuk

I'm using Foreigners' Insurance Center in Prague for several years already. Previously I had the cheapest Maxima insurance for two years, now I got an insurance from Slavia and pVZP for my children who are studying at the moment.

My sister had an insurance for pregnant and was happy with the service. We always get all the answers we need, about the price, what is covered and the list of facilities where we can use the insurance. Highly recommend!

Have questions? Write to us!
Center for Foreigners Insurance

Centrum Pojištění - Insurance Center s.r.o. Vázaný zástupce dle zákona o distribuci pojištění a zajištění zapsaný v registru ČNB. IČO: 19754710


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